So, Trump’s Charlottesville gaffe was not a gaffe after all. He really is a bigot. As if we didn’t know. If his latest tweets, which…
So, Trump’s Charlottesville gaffe was not a gaffe after all. He really is a bigot. As if we didn’t know. If his latest tweets, which…
All I can say is that I hope the Brexiteers are happy with the divorce bill. Fifty billion smackeroos has apparently been agreed as the…
If hysteria rules on the subject of sexual harassment, at least some of it offers diverting amusement. Like the odd and perhaps disturbed machinations of…
Charles Manson, America’s most infamous murderer and mesmeric cult leader, was like his victims in one respect: he never had a chance in life. Manson…
Allied forces led by the United States and Britain, having quelled the last resistance in Mosul and Raqqa, are said to have defeated ISIS. Splendid,…
There have been no pictures from Harare of rejoicing in the streets after the ‘non-coup’ that ousted President Robert Mugabe, and with good reason: no…
With apologies, this is published after the evening mentioned happened…my fault…I didn’t see this before we left. I must have been worrying about what I…
An American friend has written in an incredulous tone to ask why Britain has seen fit to offer Saudi Aramco, the world’s richest oil company,…
If we the voters get the governments we deserve, as I have often read, then all I can say is that we must have behaved…
I have a confession. Once, long ago in Manhattan, I harassed a female colleague at the office. I understand now what an uncomfortable situation I…